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Basic knowledge of aluminum electrolytic capacitors

Source:本站  |  Time:2021-11-16  | Read:470

What is aluminum electrolytic capacitor?

     Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are made of aluminum and electrolyte liquid. A cylinder made of aluminum is used as the negative electrode and a bent aluminum strip is inserted as the positive electrode. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are the most common electrolytic capacitors because of their high electrical performance, reliability, and wide range of applications, as the raw material is aluminum.

 electrolytic capacitors, shicaxon capacitors

function of aluminum electrolytic capacitors


   Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are often used for AC bypass and filtering in circuits, and also for signal coupling in less demanding applications. As mentioned earlier, aluminum electrolytic capacitors are very versatile with good electrical properties, high reliability, and a wide range of applications. However, because of the characteristics of large error, leakage and poor stability, the role of aluminum electrolytic capacitors is limited to bypass, filtering and coupling.


Electrolytic capacitors with poles AND Non-polar electrolytic capacitors


    Electrolytic capacitors have electrolyte material for storing charge inside, and are divided into positive and negative polarities, similar to batteries, which cannot be reversed. The positive electrode is a metal substrate with an oxide film, and the negative electrode is connected to the electrolyte (solid and non-solid) through a metal pole plate.

    Non-polar (bipolar) electrolytic capacitors have a double oxide film structure, similar to two polarized electrolytic capacitors with two negative electrodes connected to each other, with two electrodes connected to two metal plates (both with oxide film) and electrolyte in the middle of the two sets of oxide film. The polarized electrolytic capacitors are usually used in power supply circuits or medium and low frequency circuits for power filtering, decoupling, signal coupling and time constant setting, DC isolation, etc. Non-polar electrolytic capacitors are usually used in audio crossover circuits, TV S-correction circuits and single-phase motor starting circuits.